How I Navigated Living In Cairo As A Neurodivergent Person

Pablo Zamorano Díaz
6 min readFeb 16, 2024


The Great Pyramids of Egypt by Pablo Zamorano Díaz

Living in Cairo as a neurodivergent, autistic person with ADHD presented its own set of challenges, but through self-awareness and coping mechanisms, I found ways to navigate daily life more smoothly.

Identifying my sensory sensitivities marked one of my initial steps. The overwhelming nature of loud, unpredictable noises was a consistent challenge, particularly in Cairo, renowned as one of the world’s noisiest cities. Reflecting on my experience in New Delhi, I anticipated a similar environment in Egypt. The chaotic traffic, devoid of functioning traffic lights, and dominated by overcrowded public transportation, especially the microbuses accommodating up to twelve passengers, intensified the sensory overload. These microbuses operated on a unique system where passengers collected fare costs among themselves and presented the total to the driver. However, it wasn’t until years later, as I look back, that I’m now able to recognize and pinpoint my sensory sensitivities and their impact on daily life in Cairo. This reflection is what motivates me to share my experiences now.

I speculated that the Arabic language might contribute to the tendency for people to speak loudly, a phenomenon I observed similarly in Spanish. Unlike English or Malay, which possess a more warm and cozy tone, Arabic and Spanish seem to evoke a louder cadence. However, it wasn’t until much later, long after I returned home, that I realized I was particularly sensitive to sensory input. Reflecting on my experiences, I learned that carrying earplugs or headphones with me could help block out excess sound and alleviate the overwhelming sensory input I often encountered.

Egypt’s scorching climate is a defining feature of life in Cairo. Situated amidst the Sahara, the city is synonymous with relentless heat and aridity. Air conditioning, while a necessity, is a luxury for many due to its high cost. Consequently, not all establishments have it, leaving residents and visitors alike to contend with the sweltering temperatures.

During my semester abroad at The American University in Cairo, I was fortunate to have classrooms equipped with functional AC. However, stepping outside revealed a stark contrast. The moment we opened the door, a blast of heat akin to hellfire greeted us, reminding me of the unforgiving environment just beyond the threshold.

The Cairo metro operates with open windows on its trains and provides some relief with fans at the station platforms. However, during rush hour, boarding the train feels like stepping into a sauna, leaving passengers drenched in sweat.

The relentless heat often left me feeling physically ill, experiencing symptoms of heatstroke that required hours of recuperation in my bedroom with the blissful relief of AC. Consequently, my daily routine revolved around seeking out spaces with functional AC and reliable Wi-Fi, as these were essential for both my well-being and productivity. As a result, I found myself spending the majority of my time in cafes, where I could escape the oppressive heat, focus on my studies, and recover from the scorching temperatures outside.

Starbucks isn’t as popular in Egypt compared to other places. Despite this, I recall visiting various Starbucks locations during my time there, from one near Maadi, where I resided for a period, to others situated at the Mall of Egypt in Six of October City, one on the highway on the way to Alexandria, on Zamalek Island nestled between Giza and Cairo, and in New Cairo, opposite my university campus. As a souvenir, I acquired a tumbler from one of these visits, which I now carry with me to cafes as a means of promoting environmental friendliness.

While Starbucks may not have a significant presence in Egypt, Costa Coffee, often dubbed the UK’s counterpart to Starbucks, enjoys popularity in the country. I frequented Costa Coffee outlets, where the air conditioning would typically be set to blast, creating a chilly interior. As a result, I often found myself needing to carry a sweatshirt or jacket to shield myself from the cold, contrasting sharply with the scorching sun outside. This experience reinforced my recognition of the necessity for a cooler environment to function optimally. Consequently, I made a concerted effort to seek out places with air conditioning whenever possible, ensuring my comfort and productivity amidst Cairo’s heat.

Unclear instructions posed a significant challenge for me during my time in Cairo. Many of my professors had a hands-off approach, expecting us to navigate coursework independently. With no designated office hours for clarification, I often found myself at a loss. In particular, my Egyptology classes presented unique obstacles. Fun fact: Egyptology is not a popular major or career in Egypt, resulting in limited resources and support for students pursuing this field. Consequently, I had to rely heavily on one or two classmates to decipher assignments and course materials, further highlighting the importance of clear communication and collaboration in overcoming academic challenges.

Reflecting back, I realized the importance of obtaining written instructions or summaries of key points discussed during conversations, as well as developing clear communication channels with others to alleviate the stress associated with ambiguous instructions. However, I regret to admit that I did not implement these strategies during my time in Egypt. It wasn’t until years later that I recognized how beneficial these practices would have been in navigating academic challenges more effectively. Hindsight has illuminated the significance of proactive communication and seeking clarification, lessons that I carry forward into my future endeavors.

Crowded places were a constant challenge for me, often resulting in sensory overload and the need for a complete retreat. After enduring a full day of exposure to the relentless heat, bustling crowds, and cacophony of noise, all I yearned for was the solace of my room. Taking a power nap provided much-needed refreshment, rejuvenating me for late-night excursions to local cafes. It struck me as curious that these cafes seemed to attract predominantly male patrons, with few, if any, women in attendance. Despite this observation, late-night cafe visits were a common activity throughout Egypt, with people gathering until the early hours of the morning, often lingering until three or four am.

Having learned to recognize my limits, I now prioritize my well-being by taking breaks in quieter, less crowded spaces when necessary. This could mean stepping outside for a breath of fresh air or finding a serene corner to regroup. I’ve also become adept at leaving a place before it becomes too overwhelming and confidently saying no to invitations if my energy levels aren’t conducive to socializing. Additionally, I’ve discovered the therapeutic benefits of indulging in my fixated interests to relax and recharge, allowing me to navigate challenging environments with greater resilience and self-awareness.

Recognizing the importance of managing stress, I discovered the profound impact of incorporating rituals into my daily routine. Whether it involved watching familiar anime, seeking solace in a comforting spot like Starbucks, or indulging in my favorite meal at McDonald’s, these rituals became anchors of stability and comfort during challenging moments. Embracing these practices allowed me to find solace and restore balance amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life in Cairo.

Mental health remains a taboo subject in Egypt, and accessing treatment can be challenging. Continuing my treatment plan required visits to at least ten pharmacies across various parts of the city to locate my medication. Unfortunately, many of these pharmacies either did not have the medication in stock or had very limited quantities available. I had to enlist the help of friends to inquire about its availability and gather enough to cover my needs for the semester. Despite the medication being a generic and easily obtainable one in the Americas, obtaining it in Egypt was a daunting task. The process was exhausting, frustrating, and disheartening.

Finally, I embraced the significance of rest and relaxation, understanding the rejuvenating effects of naps on my mental well-being. Incorporating short breaks throughout the day to recharge proved instrumental in maintaining focus and balance amidst the daily challenges of life in Cairo.

By prioritizing self-awareness, effective communication, and self-care, I navigated life in Cairo as a neurodivergent-autistic individual more effectively. I discovered strategies tailored to my needs, fostering a deeper understanding and acceptance of myself. These practices not only enhanced my ability to thrive but also cultivated a greater sense of empowerment and resilience in navigating the complexities of daily life.



Pablo Zamorano Díaz

Pablo is a traveler and writer with a background in sociology from Chile. He explores world cultures through authentic storytelling. IG: @pablito_zamorano